Friday, June 26, 2009

Dog Park fun...

smile for the camera everyone,
this is an amazing picture & a rare moment
what good dogs, love them
sit, stay & please don't move
because if one goes they all go
3 vs. 1, the odds don't look good for me

playing in the creek at the park,
their favorite part

all drinking at the same time, so cute

little Luigi man

Angelo my love

super Stella

the result of a fun day at the park,
tired & happy puppies.

Story in a Box...

The final product

I think he'll like it

& there were six,
all the guys

5 kids who love their dad

he loves his bike

a match for all the cigars they smoke


fun times (had to throw in a whoopi cushion)


he inspires

the "frat house" where all the guys hang out

grill it, they cook a lot on the grill

a jar full of ideas, just like he is

resembles their bulletin board
& the projects they've been working on

he's from Tennessee so this piggy bank,
which symbolizes all the $ they're going to make,
was a perfect find from the Goodwill

"Sweet Victory" when all of their hard work
pays off, the medal symbolizes their success
they always cook pasta & tomato sauce,
so the seeds can be used to grow more tomatoes
so they can have endless tomato sauce


for Steven's business partner & friend, Denton.
It's his birthday today, so I made this for him,
from all the guys. Each item signifies something
about him or something that is important in his life.
It is his "Story in a Box".

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Broken Fab...


Series by the extremely talented
Jorge Rodriguez Gerada.
He creates large scale charcoal drawings
of anonymous, but special, people that scale the sides of buildings.
"These drawings question the controls imposed on public space,
the role models that represent us and
the type of events that are guarded by the collective memory."
His "identities occupy the canvas of our cities,
populating them with the marvelous residual essence of its people."
His art is overwhelmingly beautiful.

via:, super cool art site
Check out their upcoming projects: Mobile Art Gallery & Story
Gumbo,as well as the ongoing project: Free Portraits

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


magazine has some nice design inspiration.

This Little Light...

a short film being done by Leah Murray.
The film is based off of the song 'This Little Light'.
It focuses on one question:
What one thing could you do to make the world a better place?
You would film yourself while lighting a candle
& giving your answer to the question above.
If you would like to contribute to this sweet project contact her @:
(absolutely beautiful blog)
& this post of hers was very inspiring:
"Waiting...while i shouldn't be waiting.
Waiting for yourself is useless, you never arrive.
Never wait, never just wait."

Monday, June 22, 2009

Operation Beautiful...

is a great act of kindness.
Love yourself for who you are,
then pass it on & help others do the same.
Thanks Amber for the beautiful idea.