Thursday, May 28, 2009


strips of fabric cut & ready to make more necklaces

a few more necklaces

my butterfly plants are blooming, yay

a squash, or zucchini plant(not sure which one yet),
has sprouted from the area where the compost pile used to be,
so exciting & the basil re-seeded itself in the same spot, haha

centerpieces at the divisional party my friend & I decorated for work
it was carnival themed so cotton candy, confetti & balloons did the trick

signs we painted

cool photo op with the left over balloons

1 comment:

kkabb100 said...

Hey your blooming buddleia. Mine are growing daily but won't bloom for a couple more weeks. I keep digging more garden space and hopefully in a couple years will have a respectable garden.

I thought you'd like a fabric artist who I think is exceptionally good...good enough that I bought a piece a couple of years ago: Chris Roberts Antieau.

Love seeing your work and interests. Keep at it...

Karen B